SYSTEM: Spray Heads
AFFECTED TANKS: All Trucks with Spray Heads
REASON: New and replacement spray heads need the actuator adjusted and set before installation.
Tools required:
Use a 1¼“ wrench to unscrew actuator from spray head housing.
Use a tape measure/steel ruler and measure from top of diaphragm to top of spray head housing (around 3 5/8”).
Measure actuator from the base to the end of the adjuster bolt.
(Measurement should be 1/16″ to 1/8″ longer than the housing measurement.)
Using an 11/16″ wrench, break the jam nut loose.
Using a 5/8″ wrench, screw/unscrew the adjuster bolt.
Once the bolt is set, using an 11/16″ wrench, tighten the jam nut.
Using a 1¼” wrench, install the actuator to the spray head housing.
Email for more information.